Jawa Barat - Bekasi

E-Instrument Multifunction Calibrators DPC 2000

Harga :
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Pengiriman :
1 hari sejak pembayaran
Lokasi :
Jawa Barat - Bekasi
Dilihat :
161 Kali
Update Terakhir :
05-02-2016 16:39

Detail Produk

 The precision laboratory calibrator with superior Accurasy up to ±0.0025% of rdg. Can Measure/Simulate: DC Voltage, DC Current 13 type of T/Cs, 9 types of RTDs, Resistance, Loop Supply, & Pressure (read only). Plus: 9 Setpoints for each output range & type

Photo: MultiCal 2500 Secondary Standard Precision Calibrator

Multifunction Calibrators

Our signal and laboratory calibrators are multifunction instruments designed to check and calibrate your test and process equipment. Our calibrators meet — in a modern and practical way — the everyday needs of Quality and Maintenance instrumentation engineers, both in laboratory and in field work.

Accurate, compact, rugged, easy to use; the ideal solution to measure and simulate: millivolt, volt, milliampere (active and passive loop), ohm, temperatures with thermocouples, temperatures with resistance thermometers.

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