Jawa Barat - Bekasi


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Lokasi :
Jawa Barat - Bekasi
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Update Terakhir :
17-07-2017 16:36

Detail Produk

HACH REAGENT                                                      DESCRIPTION CAT NUMBER
0.001M KCl Standard Solution, 50 mL  2974226
0.001M KCl Standard Solution, 500 mL  2974249
0.01M KCl Standard Solution, 50 mL  2974326
0.01M KCl Standard Solution, 500 mL  2974349
0.1M KCl Standard Solution, 50 mL  2974426
0.1M KCl Standard Solution, 500 mL  2974449
1000 µS/cm Conductivity Standard; 491 mg/L NaCl, 100 mL  1440042
18,000 µS/cm Conductivity Standard; 10,246 mg/L NaCl; 100 mL  2307442
180 µS/cm Conductivity Standard; 85.47 mg/L NaCl, 100 mL  2307542
1990 µS/cm Conductivity Standard; (995 mg/L TDS, 1000 mg/L NaCl), 100 mL  210542
1990 µS/cm Conductivity Standard; (995 mg/L TDS, 1000 mg/L NaCl), 1L  210553
200 mV ORP Solution, 1L  25M2A1001-119 
200 mV ORP Solution, 3.5L  25M2A1001-123 
200 mV ORP Solution, 500ML  25M2A1001-115 
5 in 1 Water Quality Test Strips, 50 tests  2755250
53,000 µS/cm Conductivity Standard, 35.0 ppt salinity, Bottle/500 mL  2714349
600 mV ORP Solution, 1L  25M2A1002-119 
600 mV ORP Solution, 3.5L  25M2A1002-123 
600 mV ORP Solution, 500ML  25M2A1002-115 
9240 Sodium Analyzer 1 channel, panel mount  9001600
9240 Sodium Analyzer 1 channel, panel mount with Cation Kit  9000800
9240 Sodium Analyzer 1 channel, with enclosure  9000400
9240 Sodium Analyzer 1 channel, with enclosure/ Cation Kit  9001200
9240 Sodium Analyzer 2 channel, panel mount  9001700
9240 Sodium Analyzer 2 channel, panel mount with Cation Kit  9000900
9240 Sodium Analyzer 2 channel, with enclosure  9000500
9240 Sodium Analyzer 2 channel, with enclosure/ Cation Kit  9001300
9240 Sodium Analyzer 3 channel, panel mount  9000200
9240 Sodium Analyzer 3 channel, panel mount with Cation Kit  9001000
9240 Sodium Analyzer 3 channel, with enclosure  9000600
9240 Sodium Analyzer 3 channel, with enclosure/ Cation Kit  9001400
9240 Sodium Analyzer 4 channel, panel mount  9000300
9240 Sodium Analyzer 4 channel, panel mount with Cation Kit  9001900
9240 Sodium Analyzer 4 channel, with enclosure  9000700
9240 Sodium Analyzer 4 channel, with enclosure/ Cation Kit  9001500
9245 Single Channel On-Line Sodium Analyzer (0 to 10,000 ppb) with Enclosure, Universal  6849400
9245 Single Channel On-Line Sodium Analyzer (0 to 10,000 ppb), Panel Mount, Universal  6849500
9245 Single Channel On-Line Sodium Analyzer (0 to 200 ppm), Panel Mount, Universal with Cation Kit  6858000
9245 Single Channel On-Line Sodium Analyzer (0 to 200ppm) with Enclosure/ Cation Kit, Universal  6858010
A-1 Medium Broth MPN Tubes for Coliform Bacteria, Fecal, pk/15  2560915
Acetate Buffer Solution, pH 4.0, 100 mL  1490932
Acetic Acid, Glacial, 500 mL  10049
Acetone 4 L  1442917
Acetone, 500 mL  1442949
Acid Electrode Cleaning Solution, 50 mL Bottle  2975126
Acid Electrode Cleaning Solution, 500 mL Bottle  2975149
Acid Reagent Powder Pillow for 25ML Samples, PK/100  104299
Acid Reagent Powder Pillows 100 tests  212699
Acid Reagent Powder Pillows for HR Silica, 10 mL sample, pk/1000  2107428
Acid Reagent Powder Pillows for HR Silica, 10mL sample, pk/100  2107469
Acid Reagent Powder Pillows for HR Silica, 5 mL sample, pk/100  1454599
Acid Reagent Powder Pillows, 25 mL sample, pk/1000  104228
Acidity Reagent Sets, 100/tests  2272800
Acridine Orange Broth, Glass Ampules pk/20  2375620
Advanced Starter Package, Drinking Water Facilities and Distribution Systems - Chloramines  2507800
Advanced Starter Package, Wastewater  2508400
Alachlor in Water, Pocket Colorimeter II Test Kit  2812900
Alkali Solution 100 mL MDB  2241732
Alkaline Cyanide Reagent 500 mL  2122349
Alkaline Cyanide Reagent, 100 mL, Measured Dropping Bottle  2122332
Alkaline Cyanide Reagent, 50 mL, Self-Contained Dropping Bottle  2122326
Alkaline Iodide Reagent 500 mL  27649
Alkaline Iodide-Azide Reagent 500 mL  27749
Alkaline Iodide-Azide Reagent, Powder Pillows, pk/50  107266
Alkalinity Buffer, pH 4.50, 50 mL sample, pk/25 Powder Pillows  89568
Alkalinity Buffer, pH 8.30, 50 mL sample, pk/25 Powder Pillows  89868
Alkalinity Reagent Set, for AL/DT Alkalinity Digital Titrator Test Kit  2271900
Alkalinity Standard Solution as Na2CO3 (NIST), 25,000 mg/L as CaCO3, pk/16 - 10 mL Voluette® Ampule  1427810
Aluminum Reagent Set, 0-0.220 mg/L, 25 mL sample, ECR method, for use with DR/2000 Spectrophotometer  2443400
Aluminum Reagent Set, AluVer® 3, 100/test  2242000
Aluminum Reagent Set, Eriochrome Cyanine R (ECR) Method, 10 mL sample, 100 tests  2603700
Aluminum Reagent, AluVer® 3, pk/100 Powder Pillows  1429099
Aluminum Standard Solutions as Al (NIST), 10 mg/L, Bottle/100 mL  2305842
Aluminum Standard Solutions as Al (NIST), 100 mg/L, Bottle/100 mL  1417442
Aluminum Standard Solutions as Al (NIST), 50 mg/L, pk/16 - 10 mL Voluette® Ampules (NIST)  1479210
Aluminum TNTplus (0.02-0.50 mg/L), 24 Tests  TNT848 
Aluminum, Pocket Colorimeter II Test Kit  5870025
Amino Acid F Dilution Solvent, for Rapid Liquid Silica, 475 mL  2353011
Amino Acid F Reagent for Silica Analysis (2.9 L)  2353103
Amino Acid F Reagent Powder Pillows for 25mL Sample, PK/100  2253869
Amino Acid F Reagent Powder Pillows, 10 mL sample, pk/100 (for silica analysis)  2254069
Amino Acid F Reagent Powder, for Rapid Liquid Silica, 55 g  2651155
Amino Acid F Reagent Solution, 100mL  2386442
Amino Acid F Reagent Solution, 100ml MDB  2386432
Amino Acid F Reagent Solution, 20 Ampules (for ultra low range silica analysis)  2386420
Amino Acid Reagent 100 tests  193432
Amino Acid Reagent 500 mL  193449
Amino Acid Reagent Powder Pillows for LR Silica , 25 mL, pk/1000,  80428
Amino Acid Reagent Powder Pillows for LR Silica, 25 mL sample, pk/100  80499
Ammonia (Nitrogen) Test Strips, 0-6.0 mg/L, 25 tests  2755325
Ammonia (Nitrogen) Test Strips, 0-6.0 mg/L, 25 tests  2755325
AMMONIA 1 Reagent, 10 mL sample, PK/100 Powder Pillows  2106469
Ammonia 2 Reagent, 10 mL sample, pk/100 Powder Pillows  2106569
Ammonia Cyanurate Reagent, pk/100 Powder Pillows  2653199
Ammonia Cyanurate Reagent, pk/100 Powder Pillows  2653199
Ammonia Cyanurate Reagent, pk/50 Powder Pillows  2395466
Ammonia Cyanurate Reagent, pk/50 Powder Pillows  2395466
Ammonia Cyanurate Reagent, pk/50 Powder Pillows  2395566
Ammonia Electrode Filling Solution, 50 mL  4447226
Ammonia Electrode Storage Solution, 50 ml,  2541259
Ammonia Electrode Storage Solution, 500 mL  2541249
Ammonia Ionic Strength Adjustor, Bottle/500 mL  2824349
Ammonia Ionic Strength Adjustor, pk/100 Powder Pillows  4447169
Ammonia ISE Analysis Package  2348700
Ammonia Nitrogen 1 Solution, 25 mL SCDB  1455523
Ammonia Nitrogen Cube, 00.8 mg/L, fresh water  2268400
Ammonia Nitrogen Cube, 02.5 mg/L  1250700
Ammonia Reagent 1 Powder Pillows, pk/100  2073549
Ammonia Reagent 2, pk/100 Powder Pillows  2071649
Ammonia Reagent Set, Cube Kit  2266910
Ammonia Salicylate Reagent, 10 mL sample, pk/100 Powder Pillows  2653299
Ammonia Salicylate Reagent, 10 mL sample, pk/100 Powder Pillows  2653299
Ammonia Salicylate Reagent, 5 mL sample, pk/50 Powder Pillows  2395266
Ammonia Salicylate Reagent, 5 mL sample, pk/50 Powder Pillows  2395266
Ammonia Salicylate, pk/50 Powder Pillows  2395366
Ammonia Standard Solution, N 1000 mg/L, Bottle/1 L  2354153
Ammonia Standard Solution, NH3-N 150 mg/L, 16 - 10 mL Voluette® Ampule for TKN  2128410
Ammonia Standard Solution, NH3-N 150 mg/L, 16 - 10 mL Voluette® Ampule for TKN  2128410
Ammonia TNTplus, High Range (2-47 mg/L NH3-N), 25 tests  TNT832 
Ammonia TNTplus, Low Range (1-12 mg/L NH3-N), 25 tests  TNT831 
Ammonia TNTplus, Ultra Low Range (0.015-2 mg/L NH3-N), 25 tests  TNT830 
Ammonia, Pocket Colorimeter II Test Kit  5870040
Ammonium Chloride 454 g  10501H 
Ammonium Hydroxide 2.5 L  10604
Ammonium Hydroxide 500 mL  10649
Ammonium Hydroxide, 10% 100 mL MDB  1473632
Ammonium Hydroxide, 10% 500 mL  1473649
Ammonium Molybdate Reagent, 100 mL  11032H 
Ammonium Molybdate Reagent, Bottle/100 mL MDB  193332
Ammonium p-Toluenesulfonic Acid, 25 g  2277924
Ammonium Sulfate Reference Cartridges  2597102
Ampule Breaker Kit, Voluette® Ampules  2196800
Amtax Expulsion Solution 237 mL  2825431
Amtax reagent kit, 0.2-12.0 mg/L  2830700
Amtax reagent kit, 20-1200 mg/L  2830900
Amtax reagent kit, 2-120 mg/L  2830800
AMTAX(TM) sc Ammonia Analyzer, 0.05-20mg/l NH4-N, 115V, 10m Filter Probe sc  6157300
AMTAX(TM) sc Ammonia Analyzer, 0.05-20mg/l NH4-N, 115V, 5m Filter Probe sc  6157200
AMTAX(TM) sc Ammonia Analyzer, 0.05-20mg/l NH4-N, 230V, 10m Filter Probe sc  6157100
AMTAX(TM) sc Ammonia Analyzer, 0.05-20mg/l NH4-N, 230V, 5m Filter Probe sc  6157000
AMTAX(TM) sc Ammonia Analyzer, 0.05-20mg/l NH4-N, One Channel Continuous Sample, 115-230V  6157400
AMTAX(TM) sc Ammonia Analyzer, 0.05-20mg/l NH4-N, Two Channel Continuous Sample, 115-230V  6157500
AMTAX(TM) sc Ammonia Analyzer, 10-1000mg/l NH4-N, 115V, 10m Filter Probe sc  6158500
AMTAX(TM) sc Ammonia Analyzer, 10-1000mg/l NH4-N, 115V, 5m Filter Probe sc  6158400
AMTAX(TM) sc Ammonia Analyzer, 10-1000mg/l NH4-N, 230V, 10m Filter Probe sc  6158300
AMTAX(TM) sc Ammonia Analyzer, 10-1000mg/l NH4-N, 230V, 5m Filter Probe sc  6158200
AMTAX(TM) sc Ammonia Analyzer, 10-1000mg/l NH4-N, One Channel Continuous Sample, 115-230V  6158600
AMTAX(TM) sc Ammonia Analyzer, 10-1000mg/l NH4-N, Two Channel Continuous Sample, 115-230V  6158700
AMTAX(TM) sc Ammonia Analyzer, 1-100mg/l NH4-N, 115V, 10m Filter Probe sc  6157900
AMTAX(TM) sc Ammonia Analyzer, 1-100mg/l NH4-N, 115V, 5m Filter Probe sc  6157800
AMTAX(TM) sc Ammonia Analyzer, 1-100mg/l NH4-N, 230V, 10m Filter Probe sc  6157700
AMTAX(TM) sc Ammonia Analyzer, 1-100mg/l NH4-N, 230V, 5m Filter Probe sc  6157600
AMTAX(TM) sc Ammonia Analyzer, 1-100mg/l NH4-N, One Channel Continuous Sample, 115-230V  6158000
AMTAX(TM) sc Ammonia Analyzer, 1-100mg/l NH4-N, Two Channel Continuous Sample, 115-230V  6158100
ANATEL A643a, Portable TOC Analyzer with UV Detect  FG1002801-UV 
ANATEL A643a, Stationary TOC Analyzer with UV Detect  FG1002701-UV 
ANATEL TOC600, TOC Analyzer  FG1100600 
Anionic Surfactant Solution 2.9 L  2375503
APA 6000 Alkalinity Analyzer  5100010
APA 6000 Alkalinity Reagent 1, 1-L  2826153
APA 6000 Alkalinity Reagent 2, Indicator Solution, 1 L  2696653
APA 6000 Alkalinity Standard 1, Zero Standard, 1L  2696753
APA 6000 Alkalinity Standard 2, 500 mg/L, 1-L  2826253
APA 6000 Ammonia and Monochloramine Analyzer  5500610
APA 6000 Copper Reagent 1, Buffer, 1L bottle  2755953
APA 6000 Copper Reagent 2, Indicator, 1L bottle  2756053
APA 6000 High Range Copper Analyzer  5100510
APA 6000 High Range Hardness Analyzer  6200010
APA 6000 Low Range Ammonia Analyzer  5501710
APA 6000 Low Range Copper Analyzer  5100610
APA 6000 Low Range Hardness Analyzer  5100210
APA 6000 Reagent 1, Alaklinity Acid Solution, 1L  2696553
APA Hardness Reagent 1, Indicator Solution, 1L  2695853
APA Hardness Reagent 2, Buffer Solution, 1 L  2695753
APA RGT 1 ISA SOLN, 1L  2697153
Arsenic Standard Solution as As, 1000 mg/L, Bottle/100 mL  1457142
Ascorbic Acid Reagent Package (2.9L)  2600303
Ascorbic Acid Reagent Set,  2439300
Bottle, Sampling, Presterilized, with Dechlorinating Agent, 50/pk  2599150
Bottle, Storage, Glass, Reagent, 125 mL  1477143
Bottle, Storage, Glass, Reagent, 250 mL  1477146
Bottle, Storage, Glass, Reagent, 500 mL  1477149
Bromcresol Green - Methyl Red Indicator, pk/100 Powder Pillows  94399
Bromcresol Green-Methyl Red Indicator Solution, 100 mL MDB  2329232
Bromcresol Purple Indicator Solution, 100 mL MDB  25432
Bromine Water, 29 mL  221120
Bromine, Pocket Colorimeter II Test Kit  5870001
Bromphenol Blue Indicator Solution, 100 mL MDB  1455232
Bromphenol Blue Indicator, pk/100 Powder Pillows  1455099
Bromthymol Blue Indicator Solution, 100 mL MDB  25532
Bromthymol Blue Indicator, pk/100 Powder Pillows  2067299
Buffer pH 6.00, pk/50 Powder Pillows (color coded red) (NIST)  1405566
Buffer pH 6.86, pk/15 Powder Pillows (color coded red) (NIST)  1409895
Buffer pH 9.00, pk/15 Powder Pillows (color coded yellow) (NIST)  1410766
BUFFER SOLN 0.3,1,2,5MG/L HDNS 500ML  2768549
Buffer Solution Pillows for Manganese Citrate Type, 25 mL sample, pk/100  98399
Buffer Solution, for Heavy Metals Citrate Type, pk/100 Powder Pillows  1420299
Buffer Solution, for Iron Citrate Type, pk/100 Powder Pillows  2081599
Buffer Solution, for Manganese Citrate Type, cold periodate method, 10 mL sample, pk/100 Powder Pillows  2107669
Buffer Solution, pH 10.01, 20 L (color coded blue) (NIST)  2283661
Buffer Solution, pH 10.01, 4 L (color coded blue) (NIST)  2283656
Buffer Solution, pH 10.01, 4 L (no color code) (NIST)  1222156
Buffer Solution, pH 10.01, 50 mL Bottle (color coded Blue) Nist  2283626
Buffer Solution, pH 10.01, 500 mL (color coded blue) (NIST)  2283649
Buffer Solution, pH 10.01, 500 mL (no color code) (NIST)  1222149
Buffer Solution, pH 4.01, 20 L (color coded red) (NIST)  2283461
Buffer Solution, pH 4.01, 4 L (color coded red) (NIST)  2283456
Buffer Solution, pH 4.01, 4 L (no color code) (NIST)  1222356
Buffer Solution, pH 4.01, 50 mL (color coded red) NIST  2283426
Buffer Solution, pH 4.01, 500 mL (color coded red) (NIST)  2283449
Buffer Solution, pH 4.01, 500 mL (no color code) (NIST)  1222349
Buffer Solution, pH 7.00, 20 L (color coded yellow) (NIST)  2283561
Buffer Solution, pH 7.00, 4 L (color coded yellow) (NIST)  2283556
Buffer Solution, pH 7.00, 4 L (no color code) (NIST)  1222256
Buffer Solution, pH 7.00, 50 mL (color coded yellow) NIST  2283526
Buffer Solution, pH 7.00, 500 mL (color coded yellow) (NIST)  2283549
Buffer Solution, pH 7.00, 500 mL (no color code) (NIST)  1222249
Buffer Solution, Sulfate Type 500 mL  45249
Buffer Solution, Ultra-Low Range Chlorine, pk/20 1.5 mL Ampules  2493120
Buffer, for Amperometric Chlorine, 1 L (phosphate type, pH 7, APHA)  2155353
Buffer, for Amperometric Chlorine, 100 mL MDB (phosphate type, pH 7, APHA)  2155332
Buffer, pH 10.00, pk/15 Powder Pillows (color coded blue) (NIST)  2227195
Buffer, pH 10.00, pk/250 Powder Pillows (color coded blue) (NIST)  2227164
Buffer, pH 10.00, pk/50 Powder Pillows (color coded blue) (NIST)  2227166
Buffer, pH 4.01 & pH 7.00, 10 Powder Pillows of each (color coded red and yellow) (NIST)  2299264
Buffer, pH 4.01, pk/250 Powder Pillows (color coded red) (NIST)  2226964
Buffer, pH 4.01, pk/50 Powder Pillows (color coded red) (NIST)  2226966
Buffer, pH 7.00, pk/15 Powder Pillows, (color coded yellow) (NIST)  2227095
Buffer, pH 7.00, pk/250 Powder Pillows (color coded yellow) (NIST)  2227064
Buffer, pH 7.00, pk/50 Powder Pillows (color coded yellow) (NIST)  2227066
Buffer, pH 8.00, pk/15 Powder Pillows  1407995
BUFFER, PH4.01 PWD PLWS R PK/15  2226995

HACH REAGENT                                                      DESCRIPTION
CA610 Fluoride Analyzer  5740001
Cadmium Reagent Set, 100 tests  2242201
Cadmium Reagent Set, 100 tests (No Air Shipments)  2242200
Cadmium Standard Solutions as Cd (NIST), 100 mg/L, Bottle/100 mL  1402442
Cadmium TNTplus (0.02-0.30 mg/L), 25 tests  TNT852 
Calcium Indicator, CalVer® 2, 50 mL sample, pk/100 Powder Pillows  85299
Calcium Indicator, CalVer® 2, pk/100 Powder Pillows  94799
Calcium Separation Set (for TNT852), 25 tests  TNT892 
Calcium Standard Solutions as Ca, 10.0 mg/L, Bottle/100 mL (NIST)  2305442
Calcium Standard Solutions as Ca, 100 mg/L, Bottle/500 mL (NIST)  4457649
Calcium Standard Solutions as Ca, 1000 mg/L, Bottle/500 mL (NIST)  2240349
Calcium Standard Solutions as CaCO3 (CaCl2) 1 mg/L, 946 mL (NIST)  232516
Calcium Standard Solutions as CaCO3 (CaCl2) 5 mg/L, 946 mL (NIST)  235616
Calcium Standard Solutions as CaCO3 (CaCl2) 50 mg/L, 946 mL (NIST)  2127716
Calcium Standard Solutions as CaCO3 (CaCl2), 1000 mg/L, Bottle/1 L (NIST)  12153
Calcium/Magnesium Indicator Solution 100 mL MDB  2241832
Calcuim/Hardness Standard Solutions as CaCO3, 10,000 mg/L, pk/16 (NIST) Ampules  218710
CalVer® 2 Calcium Indicator 113 g  28114H 
Caps, flip-spout, 2/pkg  2581802
Carbon Dioxide Reagent Set for Model CA-23 Test Kit, 100 tests  2437500
Carbon Dioxide Reagent Sets 100 tests  2272700
Carbon Dioxide Standards as CO2 100 mg/L 100 mL (NIST)  226142
Carbon Dioxide Standards as CO2, pk/16  1427510
Carboy, Lowboy, 15-L Capacity  2075460
Carboy, Lowboy, 8-L Capacity  2075408
Cartridge Assembly, Complete, Empty  1449501
CDTA (Cyclohexanediaminetetraacetic acid) 100 g  700726
CDTA Cartridges for Digital Titrator, 0.08 M  1440201
CDTA Cartridges for Digital Titrator, 0.800 M  1440301
CDTA Disodium Magnesium Salt 100  1408099
CDTA Reagents, Bottle/10 mL  2589636
CDTA SOLUTION, 0.4M 15ML SCDB  2615436
CDTA Titrant (HexaVer®) 1 L  74053
CEL/890 Advanced Portable Laboratory (without reagents)  2688600
Ceric Standard Cartridge for Digital Titrator, 0.500 N  2270701
Charcoal 100 g  2052626
Chemiluminescence Reagent Set for ECLOX, 50 test  2887500
Chemiluminescent Reagent Set for ECLOX, 100 tests  94-9004 
Chloride 2 Indicator, 100 mL Sample, pk/50 Powder Pillows  105766
Chloride 2 Indicator, pk/100 Powder Pillows  104399
Chloride Ionic Strength Adjustor, pk/100 Powder Pillows  2318069
Chloride QuanTab® Test Strips, 300-6000 mg/L, 40 tests  2751340
Chloride QuanTab® Test Strips, 30-600 mg/L, 40 tests  2744940
Chloride Reagent Set, For Mercuric Nitrate Method, 100/test  2272600
Chloride Reagent Set, Mercuric Thiocyanate Method, 10 mL sample, 100/tests  2319800
Chloride Reagent Sets, 0-400 mg/L as Cl, 0.0493N titrant, 100/tests (Drop Count Titration Method)  2437600
Chloride Reagent Sets, 100-10,000 mg/L as CI, 100 tests (Digital Titrator)  2444200
Chloride Reagent Sets, 10-10,000 mg/L as CI, 100/tests (Digital Titrator Method)  2288000
Chloride Reagent Sets, 10-100 mg/L as Cl, 100/tests (Digital Titrator)  2444100
Chloride Standard Solutions as Cl-(NIST) 100 mg/L, 1 L  2370853
Chloride Standard Solutions as Cl-(NIST) 12,500 mg/L, 16/Voluette® Ampules  1425010
Chloride Titrant, 100 mL MDB  39732
Chloride Titrant, Silver Nitrate 0.0493N, 100 mL MDB  2349832
Chloride Titrant, Silver Nitrate 1.88N, 100 mL MDB  2349432
Chlorine (Free & Total), and pH, Pocket Colorimeter II Test Kit  5870012
Chlorine (Free & Total), Pocket Colorimeter II Test Kit  5870000
Chlorine (Free & Total), Pocket Colorimeter II Test Kit, MR/HR  5870062
Chlorine (Free and Total) Reagent Sets 100 tests  2438800
Chlorine (Free and Total) Reagent Sets 100 tests  2445300
Chlorine (Free and Total) Reagent Sets 100 tests  2459500
Chlorine (Free), Pocket Colorimeter II Test Kit, with SwifTest(TM) DPD Reagent Dispenser  5870023
Chlorine (Total) Reagent Sets 100 tests  2272500
Chlorine (Total) Reagent Sets 100 tests  2437700
Chlorine (Total) Reagent Sets 100 tests  2444800
Chlorine (Total) Reagent Sets 100 tests  2438600
Chlorine (Total) Reagent Sets 100 tests  2460700
Chlorine (Total), Pocket Colorimeter II, with SwifTest(TM) DPD Reagent Dispenser  5870024
Chlorine Dioxide DPD/Glycine AccuVac® Ampule Reagent Set, 25/test  2771000
Chlorine Dioxide Reagent 1 100 mL  2070042
Chlorine Dioxide Reagent 2 100 mL  2070142
Chlorine Dioxide Reagent 3 100 mL  2070242
Chlorine Dioxide Reagent Set, 10 mL Sample, 100/test  2770900
Chlorine Dioxide Reagent Set, LR, 100/test  2242300
Chlorine Dioxide, Pocket Colorimeter II Test Kit  5870051
Chlorine Dosing Solution Ampules, 1000 - 1500 mg/L as Cl2, 16/pk  2504810
Chlorine Reagent Set (Total), Ultra Low Range  2563000
Chlorine Standard Solution, 25-30 mg/L as Cl2, pk/20 - 2 mL PourRite Ampules (NIST)  2630020
Chlorine Standard Solution, 50-75 mg/L as Cl2, pk/16 10 mL Ampules (NIST)  1426810
Chlorine Standard Solution, 50-75 mg/L as Cl2, pk/20, 2 mL PourRite® Ampules (NIST)  1426820
Chlorine, Coliform, and pH Test Kit, Model CEC-2 (with 120 Vac UV Lamp and Incubator)  2223111
Chlorine, Coliform, and pH Test Kit, Model CEC-2 (with 240 Vac UV Lamp and Incubator)  2223112
Chlorine, DPD Compound, Free & Total, 24 g  2297255
Chlorine, Free, Buffer Solution, 473 mL  2314111
Chlorine, Free, Indicator Solution, 473 mL  2314011
Chlorine, Total 50  2198246
Chlorine, Total, Buffer Solution, 473 mL  2263511
Chlorine, Total, Indicator Solution, 473 mL  2263411
Chloroform 1 L  1445853
Chloroform 4 L (No Air Shipments)  1445817
Chloroform 500 mL  1445849
Chlorophosphonazo Indicator Solution for ULR Hardness, 500mL  2589549
Chlorophosphonazo Reagent Solution Pillows for ULR Hardness PK/100  2589599
Chromate Reagent Set 100 tests  2272400
Chromic Acid Cleaning Solution 500 mL  123349
Chromium 1 Reagent, pk/100 Powder Pillows  204399
Chromium 2 Reagent, pk/100 Powder Pillows  204499
Chromium Hexavalent, Pocket Colorimeter II Test Kit  5870017
Chromium Reagent Set, ChromaVer®, AccuVac® Ampules, pk/25  2505025
Chromium Reagent, ChromaVer® 3, Hexavalent, 25 mL sample, pk/100 Powder Pillows  1206699
Chromium Reagent, ChromaVer® 3, Hexavalent, 5 mL or 10 mL sample, pk/100 Powder Pillow  1271099
Chromium Reagent, ChromaVer® 3, pk/1000  1206628
Chromium Standard Solution, 50 mg/L, Bottle/100 mL  81042H 
Chromium TNTplus (0.03-1.0 mg/L), 25 tests  TNT854 
Chromium Total Reagent Set, 25 mL sample, 100/tests (Colorimetric Method)  2242500
Chromium, Hexavalent, Standard Solutions as Cr6+ (NIST) 5 mg/L, pk/20 - 2-mL PourRite Ampule  2605620
Chromium, Hexavalent, Standard Solutions as Cr6+ (NIST), 1000 mg/L, Bottle/100 mL  1466442
Chromium, Hexavalent, Standard Solutions as Cr6+ (NIST), pk/16 - 10 mL Voluette® Ampule  1425610
Chromium, Total, Reagent Sets, 100/tests  2242501
Chromium, Trivalent, Standard Solutions as Cr3+ (NIST) 50 mg/L, Bottle/100 mL  1415142
Citric Acid F Reagent Solution 100/tests  2254232
Citric Acid F Reagent Solution, for Rapid Liquid Silica, 500 mL  2254249
Citric Acid for High Range Silica, 25mL Samples, pk/1000 Powder Pillows  1454828
Citric Acid for HR Silica, 25-mL Samples, PK/100 Powder Pillows  1454899
Citric Acid for Silica, 10 mL Sample, pk/100 Powder Pillows  2106269
Citric Acid for Silica, 10mL Sample, pk/1000 Powder Pillows  2106228
Citric Acid for Silica, 5 mL Sample, pk/100 Powder Pillows  1454999
CITRIC ACID RGT SOLN, 3.78L  2254217
Citric Acid/Surfactant Reagent for Silica Analysis (2.9 L)  2347003
CL17 Free Residual Chlorine Analyzer  5440001
CL17 Free Residual Chlorine Analyzer, with AquaTrend Network  5440003
CL17 Total Residual Chlorine Analyzer  5440002
CL17 Total Residual Chlorine Analyzer, with AquaTrend Network  5440004
Cleaning Solution, 1L, APA 6000  2876453
Cleaning Solution, 1L, APA 6000 Alkalinity  2697053
CLF10 sc Free Chlorine Analyzer Panel Only with Grab Sample Only  LXV45A.99.11022 
CLF10 sc Free Chlorine Analyzer Panel Only with pHD Differential Sensor  LXV45A.99.13022 
CLF10 sc Free Chlorine Sensor, sc100 Controller and Stainless Steel Panel with pHD Differential Sensor  2979200
CLF10 sc Free Chlorine Sensor, sc100 Controller, and Stainless Steel Panel with Grab Sample Only  2979400
CLF10 sc Free Chlorine Sensor, sc200 Controller and Stainless Steel Panel with pHD Differential Sensor  2980900
CLF10 sc Free Chlorine Sensor, sc200 Controller and Stainless Steel Panel with pHD Differential Sensor , Metric  2982400
CLF10 sc Free Chlorine Sensor, sc200 Controller and Stainless Steel Panel with pHD Differential Sensor, 24VDC  2987500
CLF10 sc Free Chlorine Sensor, sc200 Controller and Stainless Steel Panel with pHD Differential Sensor, 24VDC  2987400
CLF10 sc Free Chlorine Sensor, sc200 Controller and Stainless Steel Panel with pHD Differential Sensor, METRIC  2981200
CLF10 sc Free Chlorine Sensor, sc200 Controller, and Stainless Steel Panel with Grab Sample Only  2981100
CLF10 sc Free Chlorine Sensor, sc200 Controller, and Stainless Steel Panel with Grab Sample Only  2982300
CLF10 sc Free Chlorine Sensor, sc200 Controller, and Stainless Steel Panel with Grab Sample Only, 24VDC  2987700
CLF10 sc Free Chlorine Sensor, sc200 Controller, and Stainless Steel Panel with Grab Sample Only, 24VDC  2987900
CLF10 sc Free Chlorine Sensor, sc200 Controller, and Stainless Steel Panel with Grab Sample Only, METRIC  2981400
CLF10 sc Free Chlorine Sensor, sc200 Controller, and Stainless Steel Panel with Grab Sample Only, METRIC  2982600
CLF10 sc with sc200 DUAL INPUT, pHD  2982100
CLF10 sc with sc200 SGL INPUT, COMBO pH  2981000
CLF10sc with sc200 DuaI Input, COMBO pH, METRIC  2982500
CLF10sc with sc200 DUAL INPUT, COMBO pH  2982200
CLF10sc with sc200 SGL INPUT, COMBO pH, METRIC  2981300
CLF10sc with sc200 Single Input, COMBO pH, 24VDC  2987600
CLT10 sc Total Chlorine Analyzer Panel Only with Grab Sample Only  LXV45B.99.11022 
CLT10 sc Total Chlorine Analyzer Panel Only with pHD Differential Sensor  LXV45B.99.13022 
CLT10 sc Total Chlorine Sensor, sc100 Controller and Stainless Steel Panel with pHD differential Sensor  2979800
CLT10 sc Total Chlorine Sensor, sc100 Controller, and Stainless Steel Panel with Grab Sample Only  2980000
CLT10 sc Total Chlorine Sensor, sc200 Controller and Stainless Steel Panel with pHD differential Sensor  2982700
CLT10 sc Total Chlorine Sensor, sc200 Controller and Stainless Steel Panel with pHD differential Sensor  2981500
CLT10 sc Total Chlorine Sensor, sc200 Controller and Stainless Steel Panel with pHD differential Sensor , METRIC  2983000
CLT10 sc Total Chlorine Sensor, sc200 Controller and Stainless Steel Panel with pHD differential Sensor, METRIC  2981800
CLT10 sc Total Chlorine Sensor, sc200 Controller, and Stainless Steel Panel with Grab Sample Only  2982900
CLT10 sc Total Chlorine Sensor, sc200 Controller, and Stainless Steel Panel with Grab Sample Only  2981700
CLT10 sc Total Chlorine Sensor, sc200 Controller, and Stainless Steel Panel with Grab Sample Only, METRIC  2982000
CLT10 sc Total Chlorine Sensor, sc200 Controller, and Stainless Steel Panel with Grab Sample Only, METRIC  2983200
CLT10sc with sc200 DUAL INPUT COMBO pH  2982800
CLT10sc with sc200 Dual input, COMBO pH, METRIC  2983100
CLT10sc with sc200 SGL INPUT, COMBO pH  2981600
CLT10sc with sc200 Singal Input, COMBO pH, METRIC  2981900
CLT10sc with sc200 Single Input, COMBO pH, 24VDC  2987800
CO2 calibration starter kit, high level.  32313GP 
Cobalt / Nickel Reagent Set, PAN Method, 10-mL sample, 100 tests   
Cobalt / Nickel Reagent Set, PAN Method, 25-mL sample, 100 tests  2242600
Cobalt Standard Solution as Co 1000 mg/L 100 mL (NIST)  2150342
COD Digestion Vials, High Range Plus, 200 to 15,000 mg/L COD, pk/150  2415915
COD Digestion Vials, High Range Plus, 200 to 15,000 mg/L COD, pk/25  2415925
COD Digestion Vials, High Range, 20 to 1,500 mg/L COD, pk/150  2125915
COD Digestion Vials, High Range, 20 to 1,500 mg/L COD, pk/25  2125925
COD Digestion Vials, Low Range, 3 to 150 mg/L COD, pk/150  2125815
COD Digestion Vials, Low Range, 3 to 150 mg/L COD, pk/25  2125825
COD Digestion Vials, Manganese III, 20-1000 mg/L, pk/150  2623415
COD Digestion Vials, Manganese III, 20-1000 mg/L, pk/25  2623425
COD Digestion Vials, Ultra Low Range, 1 to 40 mg/L COD, pk/150  2415815
COD Digestion Vials, Ultra Low Range, 1 to 40 mg/L COD, pk/25  2415825
COD Standard Solution (NIST), 1000 ± 50 mg/L as COD, Bottle/200 mL  2253929
COD Standard Solution (NIST), 300 ± 15 mg/L, Bottle/200 mL  1218629
COD Standard Solution (NIST), 300 ± 15 mg/L, Bottle/500 mL  1218649

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