Jawa Barat - Bekasi

LENTON Large chamber furnace

Harga :
Merk :
Pengiriman :
3 hari sejak pembayaran
Lokasi :
Jawa Barat - Bekasi
Dilihat :
99 Kali
Update Terakhir :
27-04-2016 08:59

Detail Produk


Special large chamber furnace


  • Large chamber furnace for metal or ceramic work pieces, to be loaded/unloaded by fork truck    
  • Chamber dimensions: 1200mm high x 1200mm wide x 1200mm deep
  • Hearth height : 500mm
  • Maximum temperature 1000°C; maximum recommended continuous operating temperature 850°C
  • Temperature uniformity: +10°C at 850°C in steady state
  • Fast cool fan option fitted to ensure rapid cooling of furnace and work pieces
  • Element type: resistance wire wound on ceramic tubes, mounted on two sides
  • Insulation: refractory brick hearth to withstand heavy workloads of up to 200kg
  • Low thermal mass ceramic fibre insulation used in walls ensures rapid heat up
  • Remote mounted contols featuring dual display PID temperature controller/programmer with sixteen segments (type Eurotherm 2408CP), cascade control via PDSIO to two 2216 controllers, plus independent overtemperature controller (type Eurotherm 2132) to protect from overheating
  • 415 volts three phase with neutral and earth, 80A per phase

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