Jawa Barat - Bekasi

LENTON Rotating tube furnaces

Harga :
Merk :
Pengiriman :
3 hari sejak pembayaran
Lokasi :
Jawa Barat - Bekasi
Dilihat :
97 Kali
Update Terakhir :
27-04-2016 09:01

Detail Produk


Three zone horizontal rotating and tilting tube furnace


  • Horizontal three zone tube furnace, based on model PTF15/75/610  with rotating and tilting mechanism and atmosphere control system
  • Worktube fitted with direct drive rotation of 1 to 8 rpm
  • Simple tilting mechanism of up to 12° from the horizontal
  • Sealed hopper and vibrating feeder supplied to operate with gas tight worktube atmosphere
  • Capable of holding a 75mm i/d x 86 mm o/d worktube of heated length 610mm   
  • Maximum temperature 1500°C, maximum continuous operating temperature 1450°C
  • Element type: silicon carbide rod elements mounted in parallel to the worktube
  • Insulation: low thermal mass ceramic board insulation
  • Central dual display PID temperature controller/programmer with sixteen segments (type Eurotherm 2408CP) combined with two independent end zone controllers, each with eight zones (type Eurotherm 2416CG), which can be linked to provide slave control
  • Type R thermocouple
  • 380-220 volts three phase plus neutral, 9.2kW

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