Jawa Barat - Bekasi


Harga :
Merk :
Pengiriman :
3 hari sejak pembayaran
Lokasi :
Jawa Barat - Bekasi
Dilihat :
78 Kali
Update Terakhir :
26-04-2016 14:19

Detail Produk


6000 Series Portable Chillers

Stable and reliable cooling for many common heat removal applications, including laser etching, AA furnaces, ICP, rotary evaporators, vacuum systems, reaction vessels, plasma etching, and condenser cooling.


  • Large, dual displays present temperature and pressure or flow rate simultaneously
  • Compact, portable design takes up less floor space
  • Cooling at ambient temperatures as high as 35°C
  • Choice of pumps and compressor sizes
  • User-adjustable temperature, pressure, and flow rate alarms
  • Heater option extends cooling temperature to +50°C, provides the ability to apply heat up to 70°C; ideal for applications, such as lasers, that must be brought to a temperature above ambient before operation can begin
  • External temperature tracking and communications capability (optional)
  • Cool Command™, WhisperCool® (3/4 and 1 HP models)

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