- Wind speed & direction
- Barometric pressure
- Air temperature
- Wind chill
- Ultrasonic wind readings
- Optional relative humidity
- Optional heater
- Wind Speed Range:
- 0 knots to 78 knots (0 MPH to 90 MPH, 0 m/s to 40 m/s)
- Wind Speed Resolution:
- 0.1 knot (0.1 MPH, 0.1 m/s)
- Wind Speed Accuracy @ 0°C to 55°C (32°F to 131°F), no precipitation*:
- Low Wind Speeds:
- 0 -10knots; 1knot RMS +10% of reading
- (0 MPH to 11.5 MPH; 1.1MPH +10% of reading)
- (0 m/s to 5 m/s; 0.5 m/s +10% of reading)
- High Wind Speeds:
- 10-78 knots; 2 knots RMS or 5%, whicheve r is greater
- (11.5 MPH to 90 MPH; 2.3 MPH or 5%, whichever is greater)
- (5 m/s to 40 m/s; 1 m/s or 5%, which ever is greater)
- Low Wind Speeds:
- Wind Speed Accuracy in wet conditions**:
- 5 knots RMS (5.7 MPH RMS, 2.5 m/s RMS)
- Wind Direction Range: 0° to 360°
- Wind Direction Resolution: 0.1°
- Wind Direction Accuracy @ 0°C to 55°C (32°F to 131°F), no precipitation*:
- Low Wind Speeds (5° RMS typical):
- 4 - 10 knots (4.6 MPH to 11.5 MPH, 2 m/s to 5 m/s)
- High Wind Speeds (2° RMS typical):
- >10 knots (>11.5 MPH, >5 m/s)
- Low Wind Speeds (5° RMS typical):
- Wind Direction Accuracy in wet conditions** (8° RMS Typical):
- 8 knots (>9.2 MPH, >4 m/s)
- Air Temperature Range***: -40°C to 55°C (-40°F to 131°F)
- Air Temperature Resolution: 0.1°C (0.1°F)
- Air Temperature Accuracy: ±1.1°C (±2°F)* @ >4 knots wind (>4.6 MPH wind) (>2 m/s wind)
- Barometric Pressure Range: 300 mbar to 1100 mbar (24 inHg to 33 inHg, 800 hPa to 1100 hPa)
- Barometric Pressure Resolution: 0.1 mbar (0.029 inHg, 0.1 hPa)
- Barometric Pressure Accuracy: ±1 mbar (±0.029 inHg, ±1 hPa) when altitude correction is available
- Relative Humidity Range: 10% to 95% RH
- Relative Humidity Accuracy*: ±5% units RH
- Operating Temperature Range: -25°C to 55°C (-13°F to 131°F)
- Heater Operating Temperature Range: -40°C to 55°C
- Heater cycles when sensor reaches 1°C
- Supply Voltage: 12 VDC to 24 VDC
- Supply Current (@ 24 VDC):
- <..97W (<81mA)
- Heater Supply Current (@ 24 VDC):
- <.60W (2.5A)
- Weight: 300 grams (0.8 lb)
- Communication Interface: NMEA 0183 (RS232 or RS422 & CAN)
- Mounting Thread Size on Base: 1”-14 UNS or 3/4” NPT
- Certifications and Standards:
- CE, IPX6, RoHS, IEC61000-4-2, IEC60945